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Once your registration has been submitted, it may take up to three working days to process. Upon approval, you will receive an email with your unique Username and Password to access the Funding Hub.
Each person must register to the Hub to receive their own unique Username and Password.
Yes, it is important that we have updated contact details for all Hub users. Each person must register to the Hub to receive their own unique username and password.
Firstly, to update your profile please send an email to: with your first and last name, the name of the previous organisation and any updates to your own contact details. Please also tell us the name of the new organisation. Please note: the new organisation must be registered on the Hub so please provide us with the organisation details when you register so it can be linked to your profile.
No. Each person must register to the Hub to receive their own unique username and password.
Yes, provided they are registered to the Funding Hub and have their own unique username and password. Find out more about registering to the Funding Hub below.
You can see information about your organisation, information on the people associated with your organisation, any funding request in progress, all previous funding requests, active grants, your reporting requirements, any outstanding conditions and notification of grants payments from Foundation North.
The Primary Contact question here relates to the organisation only. When you complete a funding request, the Primary or Secondary Contact names noted will be the main contact/s for the request.
Fluxx recognises individual users by their emails, so the email must be unique to one person only. Once someone has registered using a generic email, Fluxx will not allow that email to be used again. Please note: usernames will always be in the format of firstname_lastname - not an email address.
Click this link. On the log-in page, insert your ‘Username’ then click on Reset or create password.
- Submit a funding request on behalf of your organisation
- Upload support documents relating to your funding request
Foundation North can only discuss your organisation’s funding request with person/s noted as a primary, secondary or additional ‘contact’ on the applicable request.
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