Our taonga
Over time, we are fortunate to have received taonga, either as gifts or commissioned pieces, from esteemed members of our communities and master craftspeople.
Created from the centre of Tūāpapa Taketake.Taonga
Mana Tūturu
Created from the centre of Tūāpapa Taketake, this taonga was created by whakairo | master carver Wikuki Kingi from an array of different native NZ and Pacific woods.
Named by the Foundation's Kaumātua Kevin Prime, Mana Tūturu holds the mauri of Foundation North and is with us when we hold public meetings, at key pōwhiri and hui and community events.
Kevin Prime explains, "Mana is a difficult word to translate. Authority, prestige, power, presence, binding, certain, valid, effectual, authoritative are all possible English equivalents of the word mana. Tūturu is not so difficult to translate. Fixed, authentic, permanent, true, real, original, certain are all possible translations. When combined with Mana, the words describe the effect of a mauri stone to a building."
Named ‘Rangimarie’ (peace, aroha and treasured).Taonga
Hoe (paddle)
Named ‘Rangimarie’ (peace, aroha and treasured). This kauri taonga was presented to Foundation North by Sir Hekenukumaingaiwi Busby KNZM MBE, also known as Sir Hector Busby, of the Waka Ngatokimatawhaorua (Waitanga) and Mataatua (Taipa). It symbolises leadership which engenders peace, wisdom and confidence.
The Auckland 1990 Festival Committee commissioned the Commonwealth Quilt in honour of the 1994 Commonwealth Games.Taonga
The Commonwealth Quilt
The Auckland 1990 Festival Committee commissioned the Commonwealth Quilt in honour of the 1994 Commonwealth Games. Designed and made in Auckland, it is the vision of artist Carole Shepheard. The central panel represents the conservation of our natural heritage. Above and below are borders of triangles, representing the migration of different cultures to this country. On either side, the Māori and Pacific panels envelope the quilt and bring it into balance. The project was funded by Foundation North and, after the quilt had toured the country, it returned here to be displayed in our boardroom.
The Taonga Manea is the visible representation of the mauri that imbues Allendale House.Taonga
The Taonga Manea is the visible representation of the mauri that embues Allendale House.
It was carved by well respected kaiwhakairo (traditional carver) Bernard Makoare, who is renowned for his work in multiple media and works passionately to recover, rediscover and protect Māori heritage, particularly that of his iwi Ngāti Whātua.
The Taonga Manea is carved of recycled Kauri, that once formed a part of the the Kaihu Hall, that was built by Bernards’ great grandparents , aunts and uncles. The atamarama (catseyes) are sourced from Kawerua and represent the three hapu of Ngāti Whātua – Te Taoū, Ngā Oho and Te Uringutu that have traditional dominion over the site that Allendale House is located on. The Taonga Manea links these traditional relationships with the significant contribution Foundation North makes to the communities within the Tāmaki and Tai Tokerau regions.
The Taonga Manea also acts as a reminder of these small communities, which due to economic and social circumstances, may not exist when the time capsule is next opened, but through this taonga, their stories and prominence can once again be reawakened.
This taonga was gifted to Jennifer Gill when she left Foundation North after 15 years as CEO in August 2019.Taonga
This taonga was gifted to Jennifer Gill when she left Foundation North after 15 years as CEO in August 2019. Jennifer is pictured here wearing Wehenga with husband Harry (left) and incoming CEO Peter Tynan.
It was carved by whakairo | master carver Wikuki Kingi and is a pendant created from the centre of Mana Tūturu.
On giving it the name Wehenga, our Kaumātua Kevin Prime said, "It has three meanings - a part of, separation and leaving. All of these meanings have relevance to this special occasion - Jenny (part of us) separating and leaving us."
This carved taonga stands in the Foundation’s boardroom, Rimu Tahi.Taonga
Tūāpapa Taketake
This carved taonga stands in the Foundation's boardroom, Rimu Tahi.
It is the largest of a set of three taonga carved by whakairo | master carver Wikuki Kingi. Over 60 different native NZ and Pacific woods were used in the carving.
The taonga were commissioned to signify a landmark point in the Foundation's history - the setting of a new 15-year strategy as well as the 15-year legacy of departing CEO Jennifer Gill and the passing of the baton to current CEO Peter Tynan.
The form is influenced by the Foundation's koru logo, signifying permanence and a sense of building on the past and travelling towards the future.
The name Tūāpapa Taketake was given by the Foundation's Kaumātua Kevin Prime and roughly translates as 'lasting, or long-established, foundation'.