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Te Tiriti o Waitangi

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā kārangatana. Tēnā koutou katoa.

A large group of people stand and crouch around a large, closed koru carved from wood smiling at the camera. 

Ka whakamana a Foundation North i ona takohanga ki te tiriti o Waitangi hei kaitiaki pūtea mo Te Tai Tokerau mo Tāmaki Makaurau.

Foundation North will have regard to Te Tiriti o Waitangi in performing our obligations as the community trust for Te Tai Tokerau and Tāmaki Makaurau.

Te Koronga 

Ko te ara e whaia nei e Foundation North hei kōkiri i te nohonga pūmau o te tiriti o Waitangi ki roto i ngā mahi whānui, kihai kei te tuku pūtea noiho, kei tua te whakaaronui.

Ko ngā mahi ki a tutuki he taonga whakanui, he wero whakamataara ki tena, ki tena. Ko te tūmanako ka tupu, ka ora, ka tau mai te maramatanga hei oranga mo te katoa.

Hei whakamana i o matou ūara me te whakaaronui ki tenei mea angitu ka:

  • whaiaro whakaaro ki te tiriti o Waitangi, a taki tahi, a taki tini mo ngā whāinga o Aotearoa whānui
  • ū ki te kaupapa ki a kitea, ki a rongona ia ra ahakoa ki hea, ahakoa ko wai
  • whakawhanaunga atu ki te mana whenua o i a rohe, mā te manaaki e ārahi, e tohu i ngā akoranga tuku iho
  • tautoko, awhi hoki i ngā tini hāpori, ki te whanake i a ratou me o ratou whāinga, roopu whakahaere anohoki.

Our Intent

Foundation North recognises that, in taking our early steps on the journey to working in a Te Tiriti based manner, there is work for our organisation that goes beyond our approach to granting. This mahi is both a taonga and a wero – something to treasure and respect, wrapped in challenges and opportunities for growth and learning.

In accordance with our values, and in accepting this responsibility and opportunity, we will:

  • reflect, as a whole organisation, on the intent of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and on how this applies to the needs of Aotearoa New Zealand’s diverse society
  • work actively to ensure that our commitment is matched in competent practice, through our everyday mahi and at each interaction with us, now and going forward
  • proactively develop our meaningful engagement with the Mana Whenua of our rohe; listening to deepen understanding and learning to inform our actions and behaviours
  • be responsive to and support communities to increase their readiness and capacity to engage, to strengthen their practices and develop their organisations.

Kia wātea ai te ara | Our journey to be a Te Tiriti led organisation

In 2023, Foundation North commissioned a short film to document our haerenga (journey) so far with Te Tiriti.

The film demonstrates our commitment to Tiriti and is a marker for our evolving haerenga. We recognise that countless organisations are on similar journeys, and we are eager to learn from each other.

We offer this film as a window into our experiences; capturing pivotal moments and honouring those who have helped shape, and are continuing to shape, our unique narrative.

We are grateful to our Kaumātua Kevin Prime, Chair Walter Wells, and former trustees Pat Snedden and Precious Clark for their time, as well as our own Peter Tynan and Helen Bennett (Clarke) for their contributions.

We also thank Tukaha Milne for walking alongside us and our creative partner Curative, as Kaihautū to the project, and for his Te Reo Māori support. 

Te Reo Māori & English subtitles available in YouTube Settings.

Te Tiriti Timeline

We have made this animated timeline to show the key milestones in our haerenga with Te Tiriti so far, and recognise there is much more to do now and in the future.

Foundation North and Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei sign Kōtuitanga

Foundation North has strengthened its relationship with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, mana whenua and ahi kā of central Tāmaki and the Waitematā, with the signing of a kōtuitanga – a document that signifies the lashing or joining together of our shared purpose, and records aspirations for the future development of our relationship together.

On Monday 4 December 2023, Foundation North leaders joined Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei rangatira at Ōrākei Marae to further establish and bind their association through a formal signing of the kōtuitanga and an exchange of taonga. The kōtuitanga and accompanying five year funding partnership will see Foundation North invest $7.5m towards Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei’s community-based projects, services and sustainability initiatives, with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei investing an equal amount in existing or new programmes and initiatives as part of its Ōrākei Masterplan.

Click here to read more.

Around fifty smiling people are gathered for a group photo outside a large glass and concrete building, behind the group is a large open door with the words “Te Kongahu Museum of Waitangi” written above it.
Community Trusts wānanga at Waitangi 2023

Manawanuitia Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Manawanuitia Te Tiriti o Waitangi 2023, was a three-day learning wānanga to deepen our understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and to explore together ways that the Community Trusts can give better effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi across our granting, governance and investment activities.

Read more here.

Inside of an intricately decorated marae around 30 people with their backs to the camera are seated in three rows facing a man speaking with a microphone. 
He Wānanga Mauri 2019, Ōrākei Marae

Gulf Innovation Fund Together (G.I.F.T)

Foundation North’s Gulf Innovation Fund Together (G.I.F.T) initiative ran from August 2016 to March 2022. Insights and learnings from our experience of this initiative represent important steps in our journey with Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

G.I.F.T was distinct from any other funding pathway available in Aotearoa at the time in that, through research and kōrero with Iwi/Māori and other stakeholders, the Māori concept of mauri was placed at the centre. This challenged the Foundation and many of the applicants, drawn to the fund's fluid and collaborative approach, to extend their understanding of Te Ao Māori.

Over the lifetime of the fund, the Foundation's small team working on G.I.F.T adapted its ways of working to be more culturally responsive, and initiatives led by Tangata Whenua became a priority. Mātauranga Māori practices and approaches were recognised, valued and implemented, and the G.I.F.T network’s understanding of mauri was deepened through wānanga with Maurea, a Māori culture training provider.

We are pleased to share the story of G.I.F.T, and the many learnings it brought us.
Learning and insights from our G.I.F.T initiative (2016-2022)