Documents to submit
For a funding request, these three documents are required:
Annual Accounts
These accounts must:
- be no older than 16 months at submission of the funding request
- be signed by the Chair
- meet the content requirements of New Zealand's reporting standards for not for profit organisations. These content requirements can be found at
*If the constitution, rules or trust deed stipulates the organisation must have compiled, reviewed or audited accounts, the organisation must provide that report with their funding request.
Detailed organisational budget
We ask for a ‘forward thinking’ budget to accompany your funding request so we can see what income your organisation is expecting to receive and what you’re budgeting to spend. How your funding request fits within the wider organisation’s spending is very helpful to know when determining things like community benefit, attendance and scale.
The budget must include the following:
- Your organisation’s name
- The months and year(s) the budget relates to, noting we do not fund retrospectively so ensure the dates are in the future
- All income sources, including the funding request to Foundation North
- If you’re applying for multi-year funding, a budget for each year is required
Not sure what a budget should look like? Check out the resources below:
One letter of support
If you are a first-time applicant, or you haven't received a grant from Foundation North in the last five years, please provide us with a letter of support.
This must be on applicable letterhead, signed, dated and no more than six months old, from an organisation working with your community (either in the same location, or in the same sector) that has a good understanding of what you do and how you do it.
Please ask them to write about the reputation your organisation has, the quality of your service delivery, how you are benefiting your community, and how you work with other service providers. Please ask your letter-writer to include their name, job title and contact details.
These documents are only required if applicable to your application
Project evaluation report or plan
Describe the tools you will use and activities you will undertake to help you understand how you are achieving your outcomes. You may want to attach your evaluation plan with your application.
Audited accounts
If the accounts are not audited, and the request is ≥ $300,000, we may ask for additional information to determine the financial management practices of the applicant.
Government contracts
If you hold Government contracts provide a summary of your most recent government contract audit report.
Resource/building consent
Provide evidence that resource or building consent has been lodged, or approved.
Feasibility study/report or conservation plan or condition report
Provide a copy of your feasibility study/ report completed by an architect or suitably qualified professional. If it is for a heritage organisation or project, a heritage restoration plan must be included.
Land Ownership
Provide evidence of the land ownership. This could include, a lease agreement, land title in the name of the applicant, Maori/Marae Reservation and gazetted in the Maori Land Court.
Detailed Project Plan
This should include a project timeline, how the project will be managed, who the stakeholders you will work with are, how they have been consulted and how they will be involved.
List of current or potential users
Provide a list of the current or potential users.
Environment related requests
You must provide the following:
- Documentation that states whether or not your project is located on public land (or covenant land) or private land
- Council map - showing us the location of your project
- Threatened species - a threatened species classification list related to your project
- Ecological awareness - evidence that you have considered how to be ecologically friendly and reduce your energy consumption
Quotes(s) for specific equipment or services where applicable
If you are applying for specific equipment or services, you will need to provide one quote of your choice for the item/service you are requesting funding for.
Other documentation you wish to include may also be attached
Examples include:
- The most recent annual report
- Governance and operational policies
- Statement of Service Performance for registered Charities.
- Constitution/Marae charter