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Want to help us create wahine Māori leaders?

21 October 2015   /   News & reports

The ASB Community Trust is calling for proposals for ‘Tohia te Tapairu’ – the Māori and Pacific Education Initiative (MPEI) Tamāhine Leadership Fund.

The aim of is Tohia te Tapairu is to create wahine Māori leaders.

The Trust is seeking applications from organisations  ready and able to  promote the educational excellence and leadership potential of young Māori women in the Tamaki Makaurau and Taitokerau regions.

The Trust is looking for proposed initiatives steeped in Māori values and methodologies, and infused with te reo Māori targeting tamāhine Māori aged 16-22 years.

Tohia te Tapairu aims to accelerate Māori women’s leadership potential and mana within Māoridom.

For more information go to our Māori and Pacific Education Initiative web page.

Potential applicants must contact Moi Becroft before a proposal is submitted.

Funding seminars will be held in January 2015 (more info at

Closing date for proposals is 9 March 2015.