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Funding Update

02 July 2024   /   News

Our funding decisions are guided by our Strategic Plan – we regularly review this plan, including getting feedback from communities.

Through our recent strategy review, you told us our strategy is going in the right direction and where we are getting traction together. You encouraged us to keep funding in relational and collaborative ways and highlighted issues we could be prioritising more, and the ways we can strengthen what we do to be more responsive and community-led. We mihi to everyone who provided input.

We are prioritising our priority communities

Together with very strong alignment to our focus areas, projects designed, put forward and led out by, for and with, the following communities will be prioritised:

Tangata Whenua, Pacific peoples, communities of Northland, communities of South Auckland, children and young people, former refugees, new migrants, Rainbow communities, people living with a disability.

Intertwining with the above, we are especially keen to support activities that:

Like most funders, our funding is contestable (with many requests competing for the same dollars), and we appreciate how much time and effort applying for funding can take.

So, it’s more important than ever to check our strategy, even if you have received regular support from the Foundation before – this change in emphasis may affect whether your organisation’s next grant request is successful.

To summarise - a request will stand more chance of success if it:

  • aligns very closely with at least one of our focus areas
  • is clearly ‘by’, ‘for’ and ‘with’ one or some of our priority communities.

We are particularly interested in activities that have regard to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Climate Action.

Changes to our Funding Policy

Our Trustees review and update our funding policy each year – here are the recent changes, with more detail available in our Exclusions & Limitations application guide.

  • Marae can request up to $25,000 for operating costs like insurance and utilities. We welcome requests from marae for facility development costs - we recommend you speak with an Engagement Advisor in your rohe before starting a request.
  • External providers delivering programmes or resources into schools – we will only consider supporting in-school programmes and activities by exception. Please refer to the Exclusions & Limitations guide for the criteria.

  • Care packages such as meal delivery, baby essentials, hygiene packs etc can be requested up to $10,000.

  • Community festivals & events – there are now limits on how much can be requested depending on the scale of the event.

  • Extensions of time can be requested for:
    - 6 additional months on a one year grant
    - Up to 12 months for multi-year grants (grants that run over 2 or 3 years continuously)
    - Up to 24 months for building project grants.

You are not eligible to make another grant request during the life of the grant or during any extended time.

We are here to help

As well as practical support on how to make a request, our Funding Support team can assist with your queries around our strategy and funding policy. If your organisation has received Foundation North support before, and you have a request in Draft in our Funding Hub, our team can discuss this with you on a phone call (0800 272 878).

We'll cover the cost for an interpreter for any language. Please click here to organise an interpreter.

Our step-by-step guide is here to support your journey through the application process - view or download our Funding Guide.