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Our Funding Hub is now live

19 March 2018   /   News & reports

Applications are now invited in our new Funding Hub, which went live on Friday 16 March. The Hub can be accessed online and is a one-stop shop for applications, decisions, reports, payments and notifications.

Existing grantees and current applicants can log in to see their organisation's records, which have been migrated over to the new system. To support users (especially those new to Foundation North), we have produced a Funding Hub Guide with details of how to log in, register and navigate in the new Hub, along with a new resource Are You Ready To Apply?, which takes applicants through the process of making a grant application under our new Strategic Plan.

The Foundation's team of grants advisors is actively engaging with community organisations, through network meetings and monthly walk-ins, to tell them about the new grants strategy and the new Funding Hub. Check out the dates and venues here.

Staff also support a dedicated phone line and email address to assist users with their funding questions and any issues relating to the new system - call 0800 272 878 Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.00pm or email

Quick link to Log In

Visit our Useful Guides page