Our Auckland office reopens (except on Fridays!)
With Alert Levels behind us and an Orange traffic light setting for Tāmaki Makaurau, we are very pleased to be able to open our Auckland office in Ponsonby from Monday 17 January 2022.
Business hours are unchanged (9am to 5pm), and in a new move, we have decided to close the office every Friday from now on. This is partly as a COVID precaution, and also in response to our organisational climate action plan. Friday will remain a business day with staff working from home instead.
We have carefully considered how we will continue our mahi under the New Zealand COVID-19 Protection Framework in a way that manages safety for all. Our ways of operating have been developed with our staff and Trustees, and details of the Foundation’s Vaccination Policy can be found here.
At all times, Foundation North adheres to Ministry of Health guidelines.
Information about how we are operating in Auckland under the Orange setting, and in Tai Tokerau under the Red setting, can be found on our dedicated COVID-19 page, along with important details about visiting our Ponsonby office and meeting with our staff.
We wish everyone a safe and happy New Year.