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Manawanuitia Te Tiriti o Waitangi

07 February 2023   /   News
Participants outside Te Kōngahu, Museum of Waitangi

Foundation North Staff and Trustees recently participated in Manawanuitia Te Tiriti o Waitangi, a three-day learning wānanga to deepen our understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and to explore together ways that the Community Trusts can give better effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi across our granting, governance and investment activities. We were privileged to be hosted by The Waitangi National Trust for the opening Pōwhiri of the wānanga, and by the whānau of Mōtatau Marae for our ako session on Sunday.

We are grateful to Kaumātua Kevin Prime, Tukaha Milne, Mike Smith and Matua Roger Kingi for their manaakitanga; supporting us during formal activities at The Treaty Grounds, and facilitating our ako session at Mōtatau Marae. 

Our shared learnings and new insights have contributed not just to our knowledge of Te Tiriti, but helped us to recognise and encourage each other in the mahi we do now and will do in the future with respect to Te Tiriti, in service to our diverse communities across Aotearoa.