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It’s good to be back with communities again

28 April 2022   /   News

With an Orange traffic light setting for Tāmaki Makaurau and Te Tai Tokerau, we couldn’t be more pleased to be able to get back to face-to-face hui, engagements, and events in our rohe.

We re-open our Auckland office in Ponsonby from today, and our hours remain the same: 9am-5pm Monday to Thursday. Fridays will remain a business day with staff working from home instead. Staff based in other workspaces, like GRD Manukau, will also be back on deck.

We have to admit, online calls have got their advantages – so your business with us can still be done this way: call us on 0800 272 878 or email to arrange an online catch-up.

Of course, the impacts of COVID-19 are still all too real and present – we are here to offer reassurance, support and flexibility:

  • Our granting continues and we can operate without interruption
  • Our funding pathways are open and responsive to community needs
  • Plans and projects change and that’s OK, let us know so we can offer support
  • Likewise, if you are experiencing greater demand for your services or are facing new challenges due to COVID – talk to a Funding Advisor on 0800 272 878 or email
  • Our funding strategy is the right one and designed for times like this

We welcome greater freedoms, and also know to expect change: at all times we will continue to adhere to Ministry of Health guidelines and our dedicated COVID-19 webpage is at your service.