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Foundation North grants support a wide range of initiatives across Auckland and Northland

20 October 2020   /   News

The Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award (The Award) received $120,000 over 3 years from Foundation North. The grant will support 60 new participants between the ages of 14-24, primarily from South Auckland schools to take up the Award programmes.

“We are focussing on supporting social inclusion and building connectedness through working with rangatahi Māori, Pacific young people and young people from ethnic communities, in particular those from refugee/migrant backgrounds,” said Karen Ross, The Award’s National Director.

“Within these communities we are responding to community need and particularly engaging with young people at high risk of disengaging, disconnected from the wider community or different communities, as well as at risk of being victims of crime, fearful of the Police, becoming involved in gangs, or detrimentally involved in online gaming.”

The Award challenges young people to leave their comfort zones, increase participation in their community, and embark on a life-long journey of learning and personal and social development.

Foundation North also recently awarded a grant of $25,000 to New Zealand Fairy Tern Charitable Trust, to support their crucial work protecting the last 40 Fairy Terns (Tara Iti).

The Trust was set up in 2008 by a group of volunteers who had been assisting the Department of Conservation in monitoring the critically endangered fairy tern for many years. Today, the Trust’s main activities are advocacy and public education, logistic support of volunteers on four breeding grounds, and management of predator control, particularly at Mangawhai, the Fairy Tern’s most important breeding ground.

The recent grant will enable their ongoing pest and predator control programme on the Mangawhai Wildlife Refuge, protecting the Fairy Tern and other shorebirds who nest there. The predator control programme has been running since 2012 and has improved Fairy Tern breeding success at Mangawhai. Staff of the Trust pinpoint the success to the hardwork of trapper Reg Whale and his conservation dog, Kenny.

Heather Rogan, Chair of the Trust says, “Reg Whale’s trapping prowess has meant that no birds, chicks or eggs have been lost to the predators targeted since the start of the programme.”

“We’re so lucky to have Reg, with his knowledge and his commitment to Fairy Terns...He’s always available to help DOC rangers and the volunteers. He went the extra to get Kenny ceritfied as a conservation dog and now he’s in demand all over the country,” said a Fairy Tern volunteer.

Foundation North, the community trust for Auckland and Northland, recently distributed $3.4 million in grants to not-for-profit organisations and community initiatives across the region. The Foundation has refreshed its strategy to distribute funding into four key focus areas; these are increased equity, social inclusion, regenerative environment, and community support.