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Centre for Social Impact research for BayTrust

25 October 2015   /   News & reports

A major research project by the Centre for Social Impact into how best to support Bay of Plenty children in the first 1000 days of their lives, and how to engage youth in the region, has identified significant opportunities for BayTrust to invest strategically for the region’s future success.

“BayTrust provides around $2 million in grants to a wide range of community initiatives each year,” the Trust’s Community Development Advisor, Terri Eggleton, says. “Our strategic plan identified the first 1000 days and youth engagement as focus areas where investment by the Trust could make a difference. What we needed was quality information on where investment would have the biggest social impact.”

In partnership the Ministry of Social Development and the Community Response Forum, BayTrust commissioned the Centre for Social Impact to research local needs and opportunities and carry out an expert review of national and international research.

“The Centre ran a very collaborative process drawing on the experience and insights of the many community leaders and organisations in our region doing great work with families and young people,” Terri Eggleton says. “The result was a wealth of information and insight. The challenge now is to put this into action.”

Alison Taylor, head of the Centre for Social Impact, said the commission from BayTrust saw the Centre draw together a highly experienced team to carry out the research.

“The Centre for Social Impact was established to make the ASB Community Trust’s experience in research and evaluation of community initiatives available to the wider philanthropic sector. Our experience meant we were able to get up to speed quickly with what BayTrust wanted, and work effectively with the Bay of Plenty community leaders and organisations.

“We look forward to seeing the research taken into action by BayTrust.”

To view the reports: