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An All-Inclusive Pōwhiri for Our Staff

04 September 2019   /   News & reports

Last month we welcomed our new Advisor-Pacific, Hainoame Fulivai, into the Foundation North funding team. We held a pōwhiri, led by Kaikōrero Eruera Morgan, to welcome Hainoame, her friends, and family into our Ponsonby whare.

Existing staff who did not receive a pōwhiri at their time of joining Foundation North were also invited to be formally welcomed as Manuhiri (visitors), as well as Centre for Social Impact staff who have recently moved back into the building. This was considered a great privilege to those involved. “To have been offered the chance to be formally called into this whare – a place that means so much to me – was amazing.” said Jo Clark from the Shared Services team. “It was a blessing to be acknowledged in this way.”

Audry McLaren, Community Funding Manager spoke on behalf of the existing staff that were formally welcomed, and Monica Briggs responded for Centre for Social Impact as their acting CEO. "The process felt special, inclusive and symbolic for us" said Monica.